Can a Pocket Spring Mattress Help You Both Get a Better Night’s Sleep?

When you bought your ​queen mattress, you thought that its slightly larger size would help you and your partner sleep more comfortably. Sometimes, however, bed size isn't the only thing that stops you from getting a good night's sleep. Your mattress also has a part to play. If you're close to divorce or murder because one of you keeps disturbing the other during the night, then it may be time to invest in a new mattress. Read More 

4 Reasons to Add a Few Standing Desks to Your Office

When you're looking at office furniture, it's natural to gravitate towards sitting desks, and those should indeed make up most of your desks. However, standing desks are becoming increasingly popular, so you should think about adding a couple to your office for team members to use throughout the day when they get sick of sitting. Here are just four reasons why it's a good idea. 1. Helps Employees Feel Active and Engaged Read More